17 July 2008

Criminal intent

I forgot the code for the office alarm today.

Don't know why, but I unlocked the door as usual, went to the alarm panel, which was frantically beeping at me, and realised I had absolutely no idea what the code was. I entered a couple of codes to see if I was just thinking too hard, but no "Invalid code", it said. Then the alarm went off.

Several people from the office downstairs came up and peered through the door as I frantically typed random codes into the panel, but to no avail. Eventually I decided that I must have been sent the code in an email, so I dashed over to my computer and fired up the email app. Of course, being Doubtlook it took ages to load, then had to refresh the folder, then have a quick break, pause for thought, several seconds off whilst it checked if the computer was switched on, or something. And all the time, the alarm was going off, and lots of people outside were casting suspicious looks my way.

This must have been going on for several minutes when the alarm suddenly stopped. I was momentarily confused until I realised that Mr. Creepy, one of my bosses, had just walked into the office - apparently they'd phone him to tell him the office was on fire, then phoned back to say it wasn't a fire at all, but a nasty burgler was breaking in.

I pretended that I'd remembered the code but the alarm wasn't accepting it. It has been a bit tempermental recently. It was all rather embarassing and I was hoping that we could forget about the whole incident rather quickly.

Then, of course, the fire engine rolled over the horizon. After a brief search around our business park (probably asking where the building on fire was), they located my office and a number of burly firemen made their way up the stairs. Luckly they were intercepted by Mr. Creepy who was explaining things to them by the time they came through the office door.

Several more minutes of confusion ensued as everyone tried to work out why the fire brigade had been called when the burgler alarm went off, before they all gave up and went away.

Quite an eventful morning really.

I discovered that I had been typing in the right code, sorta. I'd somehow taken the correct code and sorted all the numbers into ascending numerical order - apparently this doesn't work. I think they should fix that in the next version.


Unknown said...

How exciting! Why would anyone want to leave a cool job like this?

aFj said...
