02 July 2008

Blast from the Past

It seems to be a week of blasts from the past in the news this week.
I read a couple of days ago about Clive Sinclair talking about flying cars (possibly not the best choice of topic because he never lived down the whole C5 electric car incident). I now read about Alan Sugar stepping down from Amstrad.
I know Sugar is not a blast from the past in some ways (thanks to his TV coverage on The Apprentice) but the name Amstrad is certainly a throwback to the 80s where they made their name in early personal computers (with a varying degree of success).
Of course, Sugar bought the Spectrum from Sinclair - which is possibly why the two names rang such loud bells in my head.

Any talk of stepping down from long held posts is bound to bring thoughts of Bill Gates right now, with lots of talk of ends of eras and soforth. It strikes me that you can look at that particular exit in two ways - either as a man who is satisfied with the buisness he's built moving on to bolder and better things, or as a coward jumping ships before the whole edifice crumbles around him.

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