27 July 2008

Can you hear me, Mother?

Since I swapped to my iPhone, I've had a problem.

This problem basically equates to: O2 coverage is rubbish in my house. This causes me to lose signal all the time and be unable to actually have a voice conversation on my phone - a bit of a problem when you use it for you primary phone number.

After lots of looking around and generally checking things out, because the coverage in my area is _so_ poor (but not non-existant), I decided a cell repeater was what I needed. These aren't exactly bits of kit you get on the high street, so I eBayed it and soon had a few options. Since most of the units originated from China, I decided it was best to deal as directly as I could and went for the cheapest option.

After waiting innordinate amounts of time (not least for ParsolFarce to get their act in gear) it arrived. It got tested and installed and I now have a pretty reliable 5 bars of coverage in my house.

It's great when technology actually does what it says it will. I am very pleased at the moment. I even got to drill some holes in things - which always helps.

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