14 April 2009

Go West!

This Easter weekend, we 'av mostly been visiting Zomerzet.

There was a big old family reunion in Somerset this weekend, so we toddled down on Friday evening to join the festivities.

Saturday was spent careering around the South West in search of fine walks, ice cream and fish and chips on a beach. All were totally successful, and for once the weather at the bank holiday was wonderful.

We spent a couple of lazy hours wandering around Golden Cap and sitting on the cliffs enjoying the sun followed by a drive into Weymouth and dinner on the beach.

It's good to get together and do stuff like this.

Sunday was more zooming around - this time between different courses of our lunch. It was all good fun too, and kept us amused for most of the day. Far too many Easter eggs were exchanged and quite a few eaten by the end of the day too!

Monday consisted of some wandering around Yeovil, again enjoying the sunshine, and after a quick lunch, the trip home - which wasn't as bad as we expected. We even had time to sit out in the garden when we got home.

Another highly successful and most enjoyable weekend.

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