07 January 2009

Looking back

As a year, I feel 2008 wasn't the greatest.

There were some great bits in there for me personally, especially our first liveaboard diving holiday. There were some landmarks - most notably turning 40 and my wonderful weekend "away". There were some firsts - landing an airliner at Heathrow, albeit in a simulator. There were some gadgets - iPhone 3G being top amongst them.

There were also some bad bits, foremost being made redundant, followed closely by the rest of my team being made redundant earlier in the year.

I think that the overriding feeling for me throughtout '08 was, to coin a meterological term, unsettled. Working from home most of the time for a company which was obviously about to fail is something that is difficult to deal with at the best of times. Added to that, the fact that all you strived to do over the past 2-3 years is about to be binned dosen't help. And that the whole thing can't just quietly be put to rest because the powers that be keep on coming up with ways of reviving it.

On the whole, I think I've been quite philosophical about it and have faired reasonably well, but the feeling of going nowhere will, for me, always be associated with '08.

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