31 December 2008


It's been very quiet on here of late.

This is for a number of reasons. I've been busy with a couple of things; the first being Christmas and all the various paraphernalia that surrounds it - especially having to cater for lots of people, but more of that another time. The second is a project I've been working on for myself, which is proving rather tricky, but also compelling. It's basically been eating time where I would otherwise be lazing around, playing on the Wii and posting here.

Also, however, there is my general apathy at the moment. This is not helped by having an interview for a rather promising position just before Christmas, and then the whole company toddling off on holiday without deciding if I should work for them. A bit frustrating since I will officially be unemployed tomorrow.

Anyway, I'm working on a few posts which I hope to cram in before the end of the year (day), just to fill up some space and to make 11th December seem as far away as it really feels to me.

So I hope you all have a smashing Christmas and have something suitable lined up for New Year's eve ... I know I have.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Looking forward to hearing about your secret project(s).

Happy new year!